Somehow, they are being able to mess with Trending Topics search. After this error happens (No results for #diasemglobo), people can't follow the topic anymore. It then collapses. Big media is being able to pick whatever topic interests them the most and push it to the top. Yesterday we performed a simple experiment, tainting the topic "Adeus Cristiano Ronaldo" - Goodbye Cristiano Ronaldo with our movement's message. After some minutes, guess what?
We are really upset and saddened that this kind of manipulation is happening on Twitter right now. We understand Twitter as the chance of individual citizens to share with the world their ideas and concerns. From the point big media can interfere on Twitter Trending Topics, we loose this opportunity. That is just not fair.
Help us free twitter from big media manipulation.
02.07.2010 | #umdiasemglobo | #People united against manipulation.
Kind regards,